Sunday, September 1, 2013

Plumber Games

You're starting to wonder if the Plumber is playing games with you. You've yet to meet anyone in his life, save for two friends on your third date, he never asks you how your doing or how day has been, and he stopped taking you out on dates. The only time you see him now is in the wee hours of the morning, usually at your place, and sex is always on the agenda. The last time you saw him you went to his place and as soon as he found out that you had your period he became immensely tired and started falling asleep. That definitely left you with a bad taste in your mouth. It makes you a little sad, but it might just make it easier to forget about him and give your Love, your Light, your Bliss one last shot.

Maybe you're being unfair to the plumber. He works anywhere from 70 to 100 hours a week so it's not like he has a lot of free time, but that didn't get in the way when you first started dating. Perhaps the grueling schedule is finally catching up with him. Perhaps he's just not that into you. You have a tendency to view men that you're extremely attracted to with rose colored glasses and ignore any red flags that they may be throwing your way. You just really hoped that it would be different this time with this guy. He was such a gentleman and made you feel so special and protected. Maybe you leaving him for your Love, your Light, your Bliss is what caused the change in him. You know that you hurt him and maybe this is just your karma. 

If the Plumber is playing games with you, it will be crystal clear soon enough. You suppose that in some ways you're playing games with him too. 

Even though you broke up with your Love, your Light, your Bliss you still hang out with him; you still tell him that you love him. It's the truth and you can't help but express it, even though you know you shouldn't. You feel like you can't give the Plumber your all unless you completely move on from your Love, your Light, your Bliss, but you don't know how to move on. He's been a fixture in your life for the last five years and you've loved him even longer. 

The Plumber says that he takes you seriously and that you are monogamous, but he could just be blowing smoke up your ass in order to keep you around. However, he hasn't given you a reason not to trust him so for now you'll take his word for it. 

But something here just doesn't add up and you don't know exactly what it is. It'll all become apparent soon enough. 

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