Monday, April 9, 2012

168 Hour Rant

Adult life…. what a sham.

Work so you can pay for your car so you can get to work. Work so you can take care of children and send them to school so that they can grow up and work so that they can pay for their cars so that they can get to work.

There’s 168 hours in a week. Most of us work for at least 40 and sleep for another 56. We probably commute for at least another 5. That leaves us with 67 hours a week that we don’t have some anvil of obligatory adulthood tied to our neck.

And for what? So we can work until we’re 70, retire and die two years later of sheer boredom since after 50 plus years of working we have no idea what the hell we’re supposed to do with 168 hours all to our own planning? So some self proclaimed important big wig can sit on his butt and dictate to all of us underlings exactly what we’re supposed to do to make him rich so he can retire at 50 and run off to Rio with some far too dumb and far too pretty twenty something year old who he’ll dump as soon as she starts wrinkling and replace with another twenty something year old?

I’ve had with being the bourgeois.

I’m all set with people who live in these fantasy lands of money (which is ENTIRELY fictional now, by the way, since the value isn’t actually based on anything) and greed and pomp and circumstance.

From now on I work to make my family better and happy.

I just have to figure out how…….


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